I was talking to someone yesterday about building amazing things. The discussion was on raising capital as well as just the process of building something that is unique, scales, and intrigues the world. After all, that should be our goal right? We want to do something that matters. Something that drops jaws, teaches people to do things differently, or just sucks them into our products and services with absolute abandon…

Well, YES, actually, that is right. We do want those things. However, it is important to realize that even amazing companies often start with a site, product, or service that is cool but certainly not yet amazing. What makes it amazing is a commitment to amazing. Apple started out to create some democracy for the availability of computers. Livestrong wanted to improve awareness of Lance’s personal cause. But through hard work and a commitment to being better every single day, eventually you open your eyes and it has become amazing.

My point is this: don’t lay in bed staring at the ceiling trying to think of the next amazing product. Get out of bed and get started on something. Build your prototype, draft the business plan, and build the powerpoint pitch. Do it for your good idea and your commitment to turning it into something amazing. Getting started is often harder than amazing.

I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes:

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it”  – Goethe



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