2017 is off and running and hopefully you have set some big goals and aspirations for the year. Maybe one of those includes doing more of what you love for work. Easing into it on the side for extra income or maybe even switching careers to do it full time. I hope so.

But before you jump in head first you should know I believe there is a misconception out there… The notion that we should all do what we love for a living, and that by doing so it will solve all our problems and we will begin smiling ourselves to sleep every night.

My experience says that isn’t quite correct. Now, I would argue pretty hard that we should all endeavor to do what we love or minimally do things that give us energy (versus jobs that suck the life out of us)… but that certainly shouldn’t imply it will be easy.

So, here’s the thing. Doing what you love is sometimes harder. It might be hard to enter that particular industry. It might be difficult to demonstrate you are qualified or that you have the prerequisite skills to do the job. Chances are pretty high that if it is something you LOVE, others may in fact love it too and it is therefore a competitive marketplace for the job.

In addition to that, even when you find yourself doing what you love there might be other pressures. You could make more money somewhere else… Your friends or your spouse may prefer you do something else. The path forward in that job may not be as clear as another choice.

You may be wondering, is it in fact worth it?

Well, I personally think so. There is NOTHING quite like doing what you love. As a matter of fact you MAY actually smile yourself to sleep some nights and your energy may be so high you have to contain yourself from just random acts of giggling in public… BUT getting there, and doing it day to day is like a great marriage “it requires work”. Far from easy…  and some days it certainly won’t seem worth it.

Do it anyway.

Make your passion your job. You’ll be better at it. You’ll be able to push through the tough times because it is worth it. You will realize it isn’t so much of a “job” anyway… You are doing what you love. You may even be getting paid to do it.

But don’t for a second think it’s always easy… If it were, everyone would do it right?

Go do what you love… and let me get back to giggling about the fact I have been working since 4:30am… doing what “I”  love.

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If you are an aspiring entrepreneur or an existing entrepreneur ready to scale be sure to check out some of our free resources.

Yours in startups,


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