Imagine the scene. You have an awesome new startup. A ground-breaking idea that has the opportunity to change the world or make you millions. You were able to get a friend to connect you to some top investors. You spend weeks preparing for the meeting… and now you are there in front of the people who can make your dream a reality. You’ve done a great presentation to a group of Venture Capitalists or Angel Investors. As you finish the last slide of your formal presentation, you are ready to open it up for their questions.
You click to the next slide, and what does it say?
Well, approximately 90% of you will have a slide that says one of two things:
Option One: THANK YOU
Option Two: Q&A
No, no, no.
This is valuable real estate during one of the most important segments of your meeting. This is when investors get to meet the real you. The unscripted, knowledgeable, passionate you. But this also tends to be the screen in your presentation that is up the longest. It is the slide that fills all the voids between questions. It is the big, bold slide at the front of the room that investors are staring at (hopefully while thinking about your opportunity). It is the slide you’ll have up when you can start to cinch the deal.
This slide should be your high-impact summary.
- The reasons your company will win.
- Your critical success factors.
- Your traction and customer wins.
- Your unfair advantages.
Use this slide (the one you leave up sooooo long) to drive home the points you want to ensure are burned into their brains.
Make this last slide count.
* For a FREE eBOOK with more Insider Tips on Raising Capital visit: maclackey.com/raise
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