I’m a career entrepreneur. I can’t really imagine doing much else.

I love it. I embrace it.

And because of that, I am often asked to have a cup of coffee or grab lunch with people who have an idea or are considering “the leap” into a career like this.

Over recent years, I’ve noticed an interesting trend emerging…

the almostpreneur.

A bank executive, a doctor, a mortgage broker or a sales executive by day; an entrepreneur who wants to start something by heart.

Maybe it’s you – you’re smart; you’re motivated; you’ve got good ideas; you’re well-connected; you want to own your own business; you want to do this; you want to make this leap. 


That’s the problem.

You’re an almostpreneur.

If that’s you, here’s my two-cents: If you are a professional today, you’ll be a professional tomorrow. You can always go back to selling insurance or balancing someone’s books. You’ll actually be better than your peers if you go back as your experience now includes starting a company which taught you new skills and a new perspective. Not many execs on your team right now can say they had to learn sales, marketing, operations, and HR at an accelerated pace?

Here’s the deal though – that’s all assuming your idea fails.

What if your idea succeeds? It’s time to drop the almost.

It’s time to start.