There are two big misconceptions out there.
- We should all do what we love for a living because it will solve all our problems, and we will smile ourselves to sleep every night.
- Doing something we love will be easy.
Doing what you love is oftentimes harder.
So, is it worth it?
Because there’s nothing quite like doing work that you love. As a matter of fact, you may actually smile yourself to sleep some nights and your energy may be so high you have to contain yourself – you’re doing what you love. It’s just that getting there, and doing it day-to-day is like a great marriage – it requires work.
It’s far from easy. Do it anyways. Trust that you’ll be able to push through the tough times because it is work that matters to you.
For more on being an entrepreneur, creating “life wealth” and 10x’ing your business visit: maclackey.com
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