If you are like me, this is a special time of year. More emotions (good and bad) happen over the 30-40 days between Thanksgiving and New Years Day than any other time of the year (and that’s on a “normal” year).
I find that the holidays tend to highlight some areas I fell short over the past year… maybe more I could have done with or for family. I often realize I left opportunities on the table in my business. Simple things I could have or should have done differently. Learning experiences :)
I take the time to reflect… But most importantly for me is looking ahead.
I don’t live in the past, I live FOR the future. I actively work to design the life I want to live.
And with that mindset I can take everything from the past and just consider it fuel for the future I plan to live… but the future starts TODAY.
I recommit to myself (and to my family) each year around this time. I look in the mirror and forgive myself for my past mistakes, but make a stern commitment to do what I need to do this year to make it the best year ever.
2021 as my biggest year ever! Does it sound cliche or goofy?
For me it isn’t. I have been very blessed in almost every area of my life. I have been successful by many measures and therefore it would be so easy to just look back. Talk about past achievements… hang my hat on what I DID in the past.
But for me, the future is brighter. I plan to live a bigger and better life tomorrow than I did last week, or last year.
Guess what that means? Risk.
That’s right, I may stumble. I may make myself look like an a$s trying something new. I will try things I don’t currently have the skills to do. I will push myself beyond my comfort zone and with that, I may fall short of the aggressive goals I set for myself…
But one thing I can tell you for sure is that I will try to make tomorrow bigger than today. I will look forward and not back. I will grow… because the mistakes I will surely make help me learn faster and get to my goals sooner.
To a bright future, I commit.
For you, whether your past is full of success or failure, you have the option right now, to design a future you want to LIVE. You can choose to build your future instead of living in your past or even your current realities.
My New Years wish (and hope) for you is that you choose to commit to an amazing year… an amazing future… and that you start today making it happen.
Top Five Posts from 2021
You are blowing it, and it will cost you dearly
This is a post we all need to read. It discusses the critical importance of changing our language when faced with challenges.
This Is The Moment When Most Will Fail
A reminder that the most powerful move isn’t obvious (and often feels scary)… but this simple reminder may in fact change your future.
Your life will come down to a few moments… a few key decisions, a few of the right moves and commitments that set the stage for great outcomes. The biggest RISK to ensuring you get it right is saying YES too often. (this is a must read).
The number one question I get from founders is “How do I scale?”… and although the answer is often different for everyone, this post (and included FREE guide is a great place to start).
A Skill So Powerful You Can Bend The World
Regardless of your goals and dreams for 2021 and beyond, this is a skill that will change your future.